Summer Sun by Paradise’s Storm

Morning summer sun sitting amidst fluffy clouds turning them dark gray and orange

God let your will be done on earth as it is in heaven 

Thank you for granting me another day here on earth 

For each day is not a promise but a gift 

A gift I cherish, appreciate, respect, and honor 

Honoring You is honoring my own body, my own mind, my own heart

My heart that I must guard like these clouds are guarding the sun 

The clouds are blocking the rays

It’s not as hot right now as these days normally are 

I love waking up early 

Because I get to do my nature walk before the heat beams at it’s hottest in the middle of the day 

Even if I didn’t do anything else today 

At least I got another chance to witness your beauty, your creations, your idea of artistic expression

Just what I need to spark my own creativity, to live in the purpose you see fit for me, to live daringly different 

©Modernlyethnic 2021

Patrice Brown, aka, Paradise’s Storm can be found on Instagram @paradisesstormpoetry @paradisesstorm on Twitter @monah_lisa @paradisesstorm on Facebook at Patrice Brown

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