The Millennial Way by Patrice Brown

Modernly Ethnic [ME] wants to encourage everyone to be themselves in the world today. 
Here at ME we are big advocates and supporters of the millennial community. We understand how hard it is for Millennials to be accepted in many different sectors including “corporate America”, our families, and our races. 
We have it so hard because we’re a part of a world now that encourages freeness and entrepreneurship but half of the world, (people who are older than millennials) aren’t as receptive to it. We were a part of a time where our parents encouraged school straight after high school and most of us are in a rut trying to find a way to a full time job or any way in this world.
The best thing for Millennials today seems to be becoming an entrepreneur or finding their own way. If you are like me and went college, you may struggle a lot with believing since you can’t find a full time job in your field that your degree is wasted but I’ve come across a very special word called Freelancer
A Freelancer is basically a person that decided to go into business for themselves. For example, a person who has gone to school to be an accountant can work on building a portfolio to become a freelance accountant. A person can literally research any career or business they want to have and actually do it.

Even after you get a 9-5 most millennials don’t even like the structure. For a long time I felt that if I couldn’t find a full time job, that my degrees weren’t being “utilized properly”. It took a lot of me to realize that isn’t true. 
Unfortunately, it’s the way society has programed our minds starting from grammar school, to high school, to college. Since being in grammar school we were taught that at the end of high school we HAVE to pick a major, pick a college, and choose a lifelong career. I really wished we were rather encouraged to learn who we are. It’s hard to choose a lifelong career if you don’t even know what you like to do or what you’re interested in. 
After high school, I went to junior college for 2 years to have time to learn what I was interested in. I had the pleasure of having a good counselor to help me choose my bachelor’s degree program. She helped me pick a major that made money and partially appealed to my interest. 
You should know that one major has endless possibilities. My major allowed me to fulfill my second interest of helping people. My creativity always stayed in the back of my mind and I struggled for the longest, not knowing how I can incorporate creativity into my lifelong career that had a “guaranteed monetary return”. My last full time job showed me how creative I could be in the field of healthcare as well as making a difference in people’s lives.

If you feel you don’t have an ide of business to start, or you aren’t interested in anything, or don't have the skills, I encourage you to do research, ask questions, volunteer at certain organizations that you see yourself working, and talk to a business owner of business you see yourself having. 
Becoming an entrepreneur may be a very scary thought but I want to encourage you to conquer your fears and believe that you can do anything you put your mind to. I know that’s easier said than done, especially because of what society has taught us for so long. 
Just think about those inventors, creatives, and people that we learned about in history books like Maya Angelou, Madame C.J. Walker, George Washington Carver, and Langston Hughes that capitalized or became famous from their creative abilities. We can make the same impact they did we just have to put our minds to it and support each other. 
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