Poem titled Oppression by Paradise’s Storm


There will always be an oppressor of humans

Take the Bible for instance 

God delivered his people from their oppressors

Time and time again 

Even though they constantly put God to the test 

They were disloyal and faithless 

God is the answer to all oppression 

The reminder that we will overcome 

Any and all oppression 

We shall overcome 

His will be done 

on earth 

As it is in heaven 

Give us this day Lord

The day we’re not promised 

The day I am forever grateful to have a chance to be give 

I won’t let you down 

I will hold my head up 

so the world can see the crown 

Kings and Queens we all are 

Kings and Queens we shall be 

Despite the oppression 

The oppression we must defeat 

The oppression that lays beneath our feet 

Trying to rise 

But we are soldiers in this game of life 

Rising above the occasion in every situation 

Overcoming the oppressors of this nation 

Realizing the tricks and tools they use against us 

Becoming knowledgeable to the point where they’re completely out of luck 

We know the games that are being played 

We’re smart enough to play them too

Laughing at the attempts to destroy our youth

Crying to our young that lies victim to the system 

Prayers for them to rise 

Even if that’s high in the sky after their demise 

The man with the black hoody in my dream, what does it mean? Represents kids like Travon Martin killed by the police in a black hoody, men like George Floyd, choked out begging for his dear life. This honestly angers me if I can be honest. I always say I don’t watch slavery movies but that’s because they anger me, I feel like they’re still oppressing me, so much I can barely breathe. I’m holding my breath right now as I type, as I speak. 

Justice for Lil Steve !!! 

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