Letters to Time, Death, & Love: Collateral Beauty Movie Review by Patrice Brown
Netflix's description of this movie is as follow:
"An advertising executive wrestling with grief finds meaning by writing letters to unconventional recipients as caring colleagues plot a ruse."
In this movie, Will Smith, main character, went through a major life-changing, mind-altering event that led him to the plot of the movie where he writes letters to time, death, and love. In writing letters to these abstractions, the main character discovers the beauty of life within himself.
These actors did very well in this movie and the script provided a very amazing plot twist that will blow your mind.
Being a writer and poet myself, this movie inspired me to write my own letters to time, death, and love so here it is...
Dear Time,
You're manmade first and foremost. You only exist in our minds. You may reveal things but one human being doesn't need to know it all. You don't heal all wounds. Without desire and determination our wounds get worst with you. God promises us forever, a world beyond you. You only exist because death does to.
Dear Death,
Time led me to you but I wonder what I know about you to be true. Life with God is everlasting so you don't exist, as time. The only thing true about you is an end, but not an end of life, an end of time here on earth, pure bliss. You're not a thing I'm rushing. I'm afraid to say, I'm looking forward to you. This is true, but not before I do what God placed me here to do.
Dear Love,
You're the greatest of all, you catch me every time I fall. You're the answer to it all, Love. I say your name in pure happiness and bliss. You're the only thing that exist forever, a true gift from God for us to treasure here on earth. When time ends and death withers, there you will be, with open arms, happily.
I challenge you all to watch this move and write your own letters to time, death, and love. I promise it to be therapeutic as such.
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