What Society Does to our Brains (A Poetic Decree by Patrice Brown)

How does one escape from this reality of constant running, how does one finally stand their ground? They stand in themselves, who they are authentically, changing only to adapt back to themselves, not other people, places, or things. Back to themselves before they hoped off the porch and curiously sought the world, all its troubles, all its wonders, everything it could be instead of seeing it for what it truly was. Not everyone sees the world the way you do and that’s something you have to remember. Trust none of what you hear and half of what you see because people will kindly take advantage and not think about it at all because everyone is running from who they authentically are, lying, pretending, conforming to society, afraid of breaking free because they’re scared of the possibilities. They don’t even know the reason why they’re running scared. All they know is that they can’t stop because then the illusion will fall, come crashing down until there’s nothing left to fall and then there they will be, authentically who they are meant to be and they will think to themselves ...

“I had nothing to be afraid of, silly me”.

A Poetic Decree by Patrice Brown, Founder of Modernly Ethnic, The Creativity Community 

(official site: www.modernlyethnic.org)

A message from Patrice:

This is a poetic decree that expresses the inner most emotions of ME. I'm hoping this relates to not only me but to people who are running from who they truly are, drowning themselves in materialistic things and running themselves forcefully into early mental and physical graves. I want everyone to break free from society's hold on our consciousness. I want the overthinker to know they don't have to live in mental turmoil, that they can experience bliss and heaven on earth just by changing their thinking. The overthinker is wasting time hating their overthinking and wanting to rip themselves out of their skin but I want them to know… one day, you will be able to be happy and relax, having faith that all will work out in your favor. 

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