Health is Wealth

Health is Wealth:

If you're not healthy, you have nothing. The older you get, the more you have to be health conscious but you can start as early as possible. This behavior should be taught at a younger age so that it can be continued into adult hood, so people won't have to struggle with diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol in adulthood. "More than one-in-12 children (8.4 percent) are obese in early childhood (2- to 5-year-olds). By ages 12 to 19, 20.5 percent of children and adolescents were obese" ( If healthy behaviors are taught at an early age, people can stay healthy instead of struggle to get healthy. It's harder to unlearn a behavior than to teach that behavior initially. That's why most people in America are stuck being obese and living with unhealthy conditions. They don't think they can get healthy because they won't change their mindsets. Changing mindsets will ultimately change their behavior. There are a few things you can do daily to maintain health: eat right, exercise, get enough rest. It seems simple enough right? But not for all people. 

Eat right. Eating right may be quite difficult, especially in America. America constantly drives fast food in our face, make unhealthy food cheap at the grocery stores.... it's like America wants us to be sick. America makes a lot of money from sick people. That's why in 2016 health care spending was 17.8 percent of the gross domestic product Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and is still growing, according to Centers Medicare and Medicaid Services. GDP describes percentages of what America spends their money on. That is beyond ridiculous. That's why the medicine for us to get healthy is an arm and a leg as well. In other words, we have been set up to fail but we don't have to. Choose the healthier options one meal at a time, wherever you go. Eat 6 servings of fruit and vegetables and include healthy protein and carbs into your daily diet. Healthy proteins include fish, chicken, and whole wheat products. Things like white rice and corn tortillas turn into sugar in our bodies. 

Exercising at least 30 minutes of moderate to intense workout a day. Working out helps you, even if your goal is not CG to lose weight. Daily exercising helps with stress and anxiety. 

Get 8 hours of rest a day. Now 8 hours is a third of our 24 hour day. Sometimes I wish we got more hours in a day, but we have to make the most of what we have. I have functioned well from 7 hours of sleep. 6 hours might be a bit pushing it for me but it's enough sometimes. 

Everyday can't be perfect but I'm telling you that the way I get through my day with enough energy, is maintaining all the things I told you in this post. When you maintain a healthy life, you feel good, and you will live longer without bad diseases. Health is actually wealth. Yeah, money makes quite a difference but you can still be unhealthy with lots of money. So, make healthy choices, feel good, and be happy 😊! 

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